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Climate and Nature Bill - Second reading

Happy New Year!

Frighteningly the year 2024 was the hottest so far - 1.6C above pre industrial temperatures - and the first year to break the 1.5C Paris agreement. We are well into the Climate and Nature emergency.

Please could you urgently write to your Member of Parliament and ask them to attend Parliament on January 24th and vote in favour of the Climate and Nature Bill so that it progresses beyond its second reading. This Bill is the only proposed legislation before the UK parliament that ensures a comprehensive and joined up approach to the emergency. It has been written by scientists, experts and campaigners and involves citizens assemblies - not unlike our local Climate and Nature Convention in Nov 2023. It has also got cross party support.

You can find more detail here - 

If you are in Gedling Constituency then Michael Payne is your MP and can be contacted by email - or you can find your MP by putting in your postcode here  Remember to include your address and postcode so your MP knows you live in their constituency.


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