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There’s a new pledge going around the Internet, and this time the spotlight is on food waste! Welcome to the #NoWasteWithin campaign…

Food waste is a huge problem in the UK with 18 million tonnes ending up in landfill, 1/3 of that coming from our own homes.* The water, fuel, energy and packaging that goes into our food all adds up, so why is so much of it going in the bin? Cutting down on waste and saving food not only brings down the cost of your shopping; it ultimately slows down global warming and deforestation.

Food blogger Emma Dawson (Cook and author of The Food Brood) started the No Waste Within campaign because of the huge amount of food waste created by the food blogging industry. It’s estimated that around 77% of people who use the Internet read blogs, particularly from the food, travel and lifestyle categories. The aim of the campaign is to get people thinking about how much they throw away from their own kitchens, by the bloggers themselves leading by example!

If you fancy a peek at the website, it’s loaded with information about the campaign itself, how to get involved and a list of those already supporting it: No Waste Within. Look out for the #NoWasteWithin tag on social media to see what everyone is up to!

No Waste Within is a great kick-starter to getting people thinking about their own kitchen habits, but if you’ve got no idea where to start there’s heaps of help out there! Love Food Hate Waste is a great place to get stuck in with recipes, tips on making your food last longer and all the information you could need about why it’s so important to join the fight against food waste.

Why not try it for yourself? Be sure to let us know your top tip and how much you save!

*Statistics from FoodAWARE

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