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Non-Plastic Fantastic!

It’s no news flash to anyone that plastic is a huge problem all over the world. From photos of marine animals washed up on the beach with a belly full of plastic, to mounting piles of man made rubbish in landfills far too close to home, it seems that the plastic and waste problem is a huge issue. Sadly though, it’s also one that is quietly going unresolved.

Although we all know that plastic isn’t good for the environment and it is a wholly man-made situation, the fight to fix what we have done is one that’s not going well.

Despite that fact that we, in the UK, buy 3.7 million tonnes of plastic products each year, only 842,000 tonnes is recycled (that’s just under 23%)* Most of the plastics we use end up in land fill due to people not actively recycling them, local authorities not accepting them or it just not being possible for them to be recycled.

These abysmally low percentages mean that all the other plastic we produce and buy is just lying around. In landfills, in the sea, quite often stuck in people’s hedges… Plastic never goes away. Ever.  So why are we continuing to produce something that we’re already drowning in?

Anyway, enough of all the doom and gloom… There are ways to help relieve the problem, no matter how small! You (yes, you!) can make a difference. It’s easy, simple and everyone can do it to reduce his or her plastic usage.

Here are some everyday hacks to get you started:

  1. Ditch the plastic bottles. Do you really need to buy water in a plastic bottle? Get yourself a good reusable bottle, (not a plastic one!!) and just keep topping it up! Most people already have a water bottle for the gym or exercise, if you don’t want to fork out for a new one, why not just use the one you already have! You can do the same with other bottles such as milk. Get your milk (and often fruit juices too) delivered from the milkman in reusable glass bottles. Don’t drink milk? No problem! Instead of buying it in bottles or Tetra Paks, try making your own plant based milks and popping them into an old glass bottle to keep in the fridge. Its also far cheaper than buying it in, it just takes a little pre planning.

  2. Get a reusable shopping bag or two. Most people are stocking up on these already with supermarkets charging for bags, but have you thought about using them for other things too? Wrapping your muddy shoes in a cloth bag after a walk, or your dirty gym kit. You can just stick them in the wash and use them again!

  3. Sustainable Tupperware. If you pack yourself a lunch for work, or always make too much dinner and have copious amounts of left overs, don’t go to the plastic tubs. Invest in some eco friendly Tupperware, such as ones made from bamboo, tempered glass or stainless steel. Don’t just stop with your own kitchen either, you can ask take-aways or food establishments to put the food you buy in your own Tupperware for you to take away. No more takeaway tubs clogging up your cupboards! You can do the same with a reusable coffee cup, lots of coffee chains will give you a discount for bringing your own cup!

  4. Get loose. Your food I mean… Try to avoid buying fruits, vegetables or any loose food that has been wrapped in plastic. You don’t need your swede to be shrink-wrapped; it doesn’t come out of the ground like that! Consider buying from a green grocer, or if you have a zero waste market, why not get some big jars and buy your pasta, lentils, nuts etc. in bulk. It’ll work out cheaper and reduce packaging, as you wont have any! Get your bread fresh in paper bags or even better in your own bag if you can, and try to cut back on frozen foods. They pretty much all come in plastic packaging that can’t be recycled.

  5. Refill! Refill everything that can be refilled! There are companies now that will refill your washing powder, washing up liquid and cleaning products instead of buying another box or bottle, meaning you cut down on packaging. Or alternatively, why not make them yourself! A quick google search will show you how easy it is to make your own versions of pretty much every cleaning product!

  6. Talk to people; ask if you can not have the plastic, please. At a bar? Tell them no straws. Ordering pizza? Ask for them not to put the little plastic table in the box. Down the chippy? Ask if they can give it you in paper and hold the plastic bag and fork. You can also request zero-plastic packaging when ordering things online by sending them a direct message. Don’t ask, don’t get..!

Easy, no? A few simple tweaks and you can start to banish those pesky plastics from your life! The more we reduce the demand for plastic, the less will be produced.

What are you waiting for? Get going..!

*Information from the BBC :

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